Friday, March 6, 2009

1st EcoTeam Meeting, Jan. 11, 2009

Adam and Brett - hope that second name is right - cousins, from Urban Life, came to meeting, and will check with programming as to when Joe can do presentation for their group. Urban Life has 30-40 attending each Sunday, and if we can present to them, will garner momentum for group, since their generation is eco-friendly. This should be high priority to do ASAP to get them attending our meetings. Joe is the best one to present to them since he knows "youth-speak".

Mike Holloway will tell Wayne Smith (city park board member and member of Class, etc.) that we want to do tree planting in Fall, and may have as many as 25-30 people, given Urban life participation. We need to verify that we don't buy the trees, but some organization provides, and we just provide labor. Linda Stanford and Mike will work on this together.

Joe will check with First Methodist. Fort Worth about attending their group, which meets the third Sunday, and Joe will tell us details so we can compare notes with them. Joe will go but all others welcome.

We will have a booth and computer slide presentation at Chili-cookoff (1/25. Sunday), Lennijo Henderson will provide "green chili" (vegetarian), Joe will provide info about recycling centers, computer/energy efficient light bulb disposal by computer slide at cookoff - other information. Gary Duke will prepare the slide show. Staff contact Elise Daniel,, or 214-220-2727, ext.204

1st EcoTeam meets every second Sunday after worship.

Attendees 1/11: Joe, Kelsey, Linda, Connie, Tom, Mike, Adam and Brett.
The original notes from the Nov. Meeting are available here.

-Notes by MIke Holloway

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